Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Days 16 & 17 - Girl Troubles

It's pretty bad to find out that someone is not as into you as you are into them, but it's worse to get the "we should be friends" speech from someone you really like...or is it the other way around?  In any case, I got both of those talks. =/  Jenny's was handled very adult-like, and we're still cool even though I am disappointed in her decision.  She evaluates things the way that I used to, by assessing which path has the most obstacles and choosing the other.  I, on the other hand, have started to look at the potential in a relationship and choose that which has the most promise.

Mandy's words and actions are often inconsistent, but now I know where she stands and to some extent what she expects.  I think our conversation probably hurt our relationship some, but I'm hoping that things will go back to normal after a while.  I really need to develop patience in relationships, especially when the other party had a nasty breakup from a serious relationship.  I guess we'll see what happens.

I moped a bit the next day, but I rebounded surprisingly well.  That evening, my roommate and I went to a mutual friend's house for games and movies.  I got skunked every game, but I still managed to have some fun.

From these events I've realized a couple of things.  First, I haven't really dated in seven months or so (a good chunk of my illness).  All of that desire for companionship is rising to the surface, and it's hard to relax those feelings.  I need to give people a little more space and try to trust a bit more.  Maybe then I'll find an environment more conducive to landing a long term lady friend.  Lastly, I'm going to make a lot of mistakes until I get some more dates under my belt.  I need to get better at forgiving myself and moving on.  I hope that some of these girls will be patient with me as I grow in that department.

Wednesday....CAKE CONCERT!  Look for a badass update.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're taking it well, I know this stuff ain't easy.

    In any case, I'm jealous you get to see Cake.
