Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 18 - Have your Cake and eat it too!

This picture amuses me because it captures almost every element of the concert (except the band).  Note the Mary Jane fog, the lights that didn't even raise for intermission, and the halo bar over my right shoulder.  Someone almost walked right in front of this picture, so I started to make a really funny face.  I almost wish the camera would have waited another second before going off.

Seeing Cake has been one of my childhood dreams, and I have an overwhelming sense of satisfaction from crossing that off of my bucket list.  Doing things like this makes me feel more goal-oriented.  I think my next big undertaking will be the space shuttle launch in April.  If I can get tickets and a good place to view it from, I should be happy.

Also, be sure to check out Cake's new album that is shipping out January 11, 2011.  It's going to rock.

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