Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 9 - Return to California

The weather in California is infinitely superior to that of Missouri.  I love love love my sunny 60s.  The leaves are really beautiful, like fall is clinging on for as long as it can.  I spent a lot of time today processing the events of this weekend, and I've decided that I truly have no regrets.  I'm going to do my best not to over-think this and just have fun.  Things will develop on their own, or they won't.  I don't really think I can/should force an outcome here. 

Sorry this post isn't very exciting.  Flight delays in the Denver airport will do that.


  1. I find the Denver airport very dull when flights are delayed. Maybe something more exciting will happen tomorrow now that you're in a nice and sunny place. :)

  2. Honestly, the best things in life happen when you just let them happen. I am really proud of you for standing up and telling her to leave the guy she was dating for you, so I would run with both and see which seems like the better fit.

  3. That's December in California?! brt!
