Friday, May 7, 2010

Overcoming Obstacles

In my last post, I briefly discussed some of the goals I have set for myself. Well, today I identified two of the main obstacles that stand between me and achieving those goals: failure and shame. They're interrelated to a degree; let me explain.

I am not innately gifted in the world of finance or physical fitness. I haven't had a sustained and intentional workout/diet plan, and I find money management perplexing. Oftentimes, one misstep is the kiss of death to all of my efforts. I would let one small battle decide the war.

From today forward, I will accept failure for what it is - the cost of doing something great. In time, I hope to see these experiences as learning opportunities...but for now I'll settle with them not being indomitable influences in my life.

Shame is the other big obstacle. I am, quite literally, ashamed of my body. The feeling is so strong that it compels me to stay away from the gym. Shame should serve as a catalyst for self-improvement, not as a deterrent.  Now I move forward knowing that every pushup takes me one step closer to becoming someone I can be proud of.

  • I completed the final piece of my credit card application.  As soon as the credit union sends me my card, I'll be able to finally start building some credit history.
  • I updated my W-4 allowances after using the IRS's online calculator.  This should help me get a positive return during tax time next year.
Immediate Goals
  • I was sent an informational packet concerning my company's 401K information.  I need to read it and, if necessary, speak with the company-hired financial consultant about investment plans.
  • I need to find a suitable apartment for me and my new roommate, Jason.  The lease expires on June 30, so I need to have something lined up by the end of this month.
Final Thoughts

"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it." ~Plato

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