Saturday, May 22, 2010

I don't cook my fish in oil...

(Image borrowed from the WSJ)

BP has basically created one of the worst ecological disasters of my lifetime.  If the spill spreads outside of the Loop Current (which it has already entered), there's a chance it will destroy a goodly portion of the Atlantic ecosystem.  Those are just the facts as best I understand them.

I tried to research an expected recovery time for affected areas, but I didn't find estimates that anyone seemed confident in.  Based on previous oil spills, the best anyone can offer is "decades".  Decades?!  I can't help but wonder what the lesson is that we all will take away from this experience. 

Also, how long does it take to plug a fucking oil leak?  It's been over a month, just seal the damn thing?  This situation has been handled poorly by our government.  BP should be held accountable for the incident, but they should not be entrusted with the sole responsibility of resolving the issue.  The governments of the American continents need to step in.  This spill has become everyone's burden, and we need to do whatever it takes to fix it.

I'm not sure which government officials I need to write over this affair, so any suggestions you can offer would be greatly appreciated. 

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