Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I get by with a little help from my friends...

Several weeks ago, I pre-ordered The Beatles Rock Band. It arrived today, and I have already beaten the game.  I didn't know much about The Beatles until my friend Asher showed me the movie Across the Universe, which has a truly amazing soundtrack.  I digress. 
The video above is a morph between the incomparable John Lennon and myself.  I checked out several morphing applications, both freeware and shareware, and found that Morpheus Photo Morpher rendered the most desireable results.  Enjoy!


  1. I think you look more like animated lennon than IRL lennon

  2. This is a very pink blog for the Lancifer. Still in design?

  3. I actually kinda like the pink, but yeah. I'm focusing on quick posts until I have time to work more on the general layout.

  4. Good strat. Stagnation kills blogs.
