Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good:
I've been running into cute girls here and there.  The other day I met a girl named Cindy at Cicero's.  She was the hostess and helped save me from a crazy homeless man that had been following me for a while.  I was ordering carry-out.  After handing me my food, we had a pretty good chat about our experiences in the loop (that part of town) and various other things.  I was to chicken to get her number though.  Maybe next time.

I've actually been home long enough to go grocery shopping.  It's been aaaaages since I last went, and it felt good to make my own food for a change.  This time at home has reminded me that there's a lot of neat things for me to do when I'm actually in town.  Now I just need to make sure I'm capitalizing on those opportunities.

The Bad:
My medical situation is still going on.  I feel like I've been running the longest marathon ever, and sometimes it really wears on me.  Seeing goathouse a few weekends ago helped me snap out of it some, but there's no resolution in sight as far as I can tell.

I feel like nothing I do matters, and thus I don't really care about anything.  The only thing I'm invested in are my friends, and everything else is pointless.  Survival really does seem to be the only higher purpose in life.  Sometimes I think of everything as a giant game of evolution, like we used to play in Res Life.  =/

The Ugly:
Pugs - Why does that breed of dog exist?


  1. Huge comment fail. I tried to say something, but it did not work out.

    We need to chat soon. You should venture online sometime and maybe that'll work out better than the phone has recently. :)

  2. The pug is a breed of dog that was bred to be a lap dog for royal families. But mostly they exist so that whenever you see them you can laugh and say... it could be worse... I could be THAT ugly :)

  3. Re: the cooking....

    Pics or it didn't happen. I remember your cooking "methods." :-p
