Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Full Recovery

At long last, I have reached the end of my medical crisis.  The last of my test results came back negative, and my doctor says I should be 100% very soon (next few months).  I look back on this year plus of trials and tribulations and think...  man, I'm going to have to party hard to make up for time lost.  To be honest, this experience has taught me a few things...

You'll never understand how deep your friendships run until you need to lean on them.  I would not have made it to my 26th birthday without the companionship of my goat house friends, my family, and and some former roommates.  I value our relationships above all else.

Your body needs two things (not an exhaustive list): water and fiber.  Make sure you have enough of both, or you'll regret it.

I retracted the third lesson.  It's gross-ish.  =D

Lastly, I'd like to offer a big and sincere thank you to everyone who supported me and, more to the point,  listened to me bitch about everything for the past year.  It was tough, but we made it!


  1. Glad to hear it. I can't wait until you slay yourself with booz again.

  2. Fucking great news my friend! To Lance!

  3. YESYESYES That is great to hear. There is only one thing left to do...

  4. Did somebody say weeaboo? Cause I think I heard someone say weeaboo!
